Friday, March 10, 2017

Brief Life Update + Books I've Been Reading!

Hi, thanks for visiting my blog! I'm so happy that I've been able to upload this blog often during this spring vacation! School starts in less than a month, and it's sad to think that once school starts, it'll be harder for me to come here this often because I'll be much busier. But even so, I'll try my best to come here, write different things, and hopefully, entertain you all! So... stay tuned!

Actually, to be honest, I came here not because I had something in mind, and wanted to write about it. I just wanted to come here because I wanted to update my blog; I don't want to leave this place untouched for too long. So... I guess I'll write about what I've been doing.

I've been in my hometown with my parents. Parents can be annoying, but you don't have to cook while you're with your parents, so that's lucky! lol And I'm actually living a productive life here! I've been working at a convenience store on weekdays except Wednesdays, and on Saturdays. It's a very busy store, but I guess it's better than having nothing to do because being busy makes you feel that time passes faster, whereas when you're bored, 1 hour feels like 5 hours! Most of my co-workers are really nice and kind. Besides the part-time job, I read, write, and pretend like I'm a job-hunting enthusiast. If you have read my older post, you know I hate job hunting because the whole system is simply dumb. My parents are so worried about their precious little girl, so I kind of (only kind of) do sort of job hunting. lol I do show up to job-hunting conventions, but not to polish apples, and find companies that would hire me. I go those places to meet new people, talk with adults, see their presentations, and look for companies which I would want to work for. I believe good companies know students (potential employees) and them (employers) are equal, not them bossing around like they wear the pants.

About the reading... Have I told you I loved reading? Alright, I'll make it clear here: I love reading! There you go! lol For me, vacations mean lots of time for reading. I am currently three books, and I'm about to finish two of them. One is called "Business for Punks: Break All the Rules - the BrewDog Way" by James Watt (co-founder of BrewDog), and another one is called The Sound and the Fury (volume one) by William Faulkner. Business for Punks is a business book (obviously), and The Sound and the Fury is a well-recognized novel by a modernist writer, William Faulkner. Oops, I said it twice. It's really hard to talk about the novel. Even in Japanese. But it's very interesting, and even though the ages of modernism is a thing in the past, how he conveyed the story (stream of consciousness, which describes the inner world of the characters intensively through those characters' eyes) is still new, and fresh. And you'll have a glimpse of the era, when America had the slavery system. So, please read it, if you haven't! I can't wait to finish this volume, and start reading volume two.

And about the business book... This also an awesome book, and I highly recommend that you read it! I think I will actually make a post fully dedicated to this book. I will write about how I came to pick up this book, how much I liked it, some main points stressed throughout this book, etc. I am guessing many people already know or at least have heard of BrewDog. If you a fan of BrewDog, go read it; you'll fall in love with them once again. If you happen to be not familiar with BrewDog, go get their beers, and you'll want to read this book to know more about them.

The one that I am still far from finishing is called "I Am a Cat" by the well-known, beloved novlelist, Soseki Natsume. It's weird to see the translation of the original title, but yes, this it it. I just looked it up on the Internet, and yes, you can read the English translated version of this book. You can find a copy on Amazon because they have anything! The novel was written in 1905, and this is the author's first work. In this book, the world of human society is narrated through a cat's eyes. It has a very unique perspective, and this is why it is still loved by people. There's no Japanese who do not know this novel! This novel is that famous!!! I remember reading the very first part of this novel (The whole story itself is very long!) when I was in elementary school. I am so excited because this will be actually my first time reading the entire book! Still long way to go, but I know I can finish this because the story is very interesting, and never tires me.

I tend to write long posts, so I'll keep it short this time! After I finish the books, I am thinking of reading "Ecce Homo" by Friedrich Nietzsche, and "The Sorrows of Young Werther" by J. W. von Goethe. Oh, and also "Silence" by Shusaku Endo. Has anyone of you already seen the film "Silence" directed by Martin Scorsese?! I really want to watch the film too, but first, I have to finish the book!

Ok, thank you so much for visiting my blog, and I hope I see you in my next post! Bye!

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