Sunday, March 26, 2017

Being Busy Is Overrated!

Hi, thanks for stopping by! I hope you're having a great day, or if you're about to end your day, I hope you had a good one.

So this time, let me start with a question: do you like doing nothing? Me? I totally LOVE spending time doing nothing. I could just not leave my house all day, and do nothing all day long. Why am I asking this question? Because I feel like so many people are obsessed with being busy nowadays. They treat having nothing to do like it's a luxury for idlers. And I'm here today to tell them the importance of having time to do nothing, if you want to be creative. Creative spirits don't give a damn about your schedule, and how busy you are. Creative spirits do not come from busy minds. When you're too busy catching up on your daily hustle and your schedule, you won't have time for going forward, and going beyond. When you're too busy to take time for creativity, you can't expect any growth. I'm here to say, "Don't just say, 'Oh, I wish I could afford that time.' Make time for creativity and spiritual growth. Don't just live for your tasks."

"Wow, that's great! But... I'm too busy." Come, on! That's so lame. You can be busy, but don't let your busy-ness dominate and dictate your life all the time. I guess so many people love being busy because being busy make you look more relevant to society. Being busy makes you look like you're needed, and thus makes you look worthier. I sometimes feel like social media are exhibitions of how relevant people are to society. If you're a busy person, and you're agenda notebook is filled with memos of your schedule, you are likely to meet different people many times. You have many friends because people love you, and need you. You take lots of pictures with different people, and post them online. And your pictures get lots of likes, which makes you really satisfied. Me? I don't have lots of friends, and I don't go out that much. I do sometimes, though. So it's easy to guess that I don't post pictures of me with people, which is correct. And I don't have many followers, which means that I don't get lots of likes. I think I've never got more than 30 likes on Instagram to be honest. My sister even felt pity for me because of this! lol But that's ok because I don't care about how many likes I get. I don't care about how "popular" I am, or how important I am to society or whatever. I am just fine even if society don't think I'm important. I am just a small existence, and I am not born with any mission or task for society. I do whatever I want to do, and if people thank me or appreciate me along the way, that will be awesome.

I think people love being busy also for this reason: they feel like they're being productive. They live a productive life. But I doubt that. Is being so busy that you don't even have time to sit down with yourself, and have a little conversation with yourself, productive? I hate being too busy with my job and tasks for this reason. Jobs and tasks make me feel like I'm being productive when I'm really not. And at the end of day, I'll be too exhausted to have time for myself. I can only think about going to bed as early as possible to be ready for the next day. Daily hustle and responsive jobs. Creative spirits don't get along with them. I worked at a busy convenience store this spring vacation, and the work I did there was definitely a responsive job. I didn't create or add anything new. I was just there for customers, and answered there needs. There were so-called manuals for each task, and all I needed to do was to follow them carefully. It's not just about the work in a convenience store. Think about answering e-mails. That's responsive too. You can be so busy replying to all those e-mails you've got. You'd feel you're being busy and productive. But are you really producing anything? Treating customers, answering e-mails, solving problems, schoolwork, etc. These are all responsive tasks. I'm not saying these jobs are worthless. And you can't leave them all behind; you've got to do what you've got to do. But what is important is that you should make sure you should take time for things other than responsive jobs. You can use that time to add something new to your job, create a whole new thing from scratch, etc. I feel like so many people are busy catching up with their tasks and thing they've got to do, and neglect catching up with themselves.

I have been writing a long essay about my life and thoughts recently. Well, I am the one who's typing the keyboard, but I let my creative spirits and spontaneousness moves my fingers. I write whatever comes up on my mind, and worry about the structure later. And it's a very fun activity for me to do. I don't have any assigned theme or anything, I don't have any deadline. Just me and a blank, white space. Well, talking about me and a blank, white space, this blog, too, is my way of spending time with myself, and being creative without any task or mission. But taking time for creativity isn't enough because creativity doesn't like schedules and deadlines. He loves showing up when he wants. Being creative isn't just for people doing creative jobs. We all can be creative. What is important is that we all have this mindset that we let our spirits and thoughts float freely. I get good ideas or lines for my essay or this blog when I'm not working on them. When I'm taking a bath, when I'm just taking a walk, when I'm feeling comfortable in my bed, etc. Creative spirits come to me when I'm not expecting.

Don't just live for your tasks. The true value of life is outside of tasks. If you're too busy taking time for doing nothing, talk to your agenda notebook, and still take time for doing nothing. You're good at dealing with your schedule, you busy people, right? lol Be idlers sometimes, even if you're busy. I believe many successful people know this. Their schedules are hectic. They are busy, but they don't have busy minds 24/7. They have been successful because they have taken time and mind space for new things (i.e., thing other than responsive jobs). Be creative and artistic at heart, even if you're not an artist. Liberate yourself from tasks and deadlines. Have a conversation with your creativity spirits and spontaneousness, and make friends with them. They will surprise you. Tasks and daily hustle don't make your life rich in the end. Do nothing sometimes. Value doing nothing because it's so underrated these days. Being busy isn't something you should be proud of or something you can boast around.

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