Hi, to anyone who's reading this post! I hope you all are having a wonderful day! It's been so hot here in Japan! It's actually been so hot that media from overseas write about it in their articles! Anyways, these heat waves are not here to play, so please keep yourselves hydrated! Make sure you drink lots of water, and try not to spend too much time outside. Also, make sure people around you are keeping themselves hydrated as well!
So, about myself and my life... It's been pretty good. I've been procrastinating to come here and write something for the past 2 months, and I thought this procrastination must end! So I just sat down and started typing.
Yeah, overall, things are going well with me. I still love my job. I've got used to what I do now more than when I last posted something on this blog, which was in May. The more I learn, the more I know that I need to know more.
Oh, and I've sighed up for a gym this month. It's actually a boxing gym, but you don't get to punch people in their faces actually. It's not scary and violent at all. I don't know how it is called in English, but what I do is called "kurayami boxing" in Japanese. "Kurayami" means darkness in Japanese. So you basically punch a sandbag in the darkness. And it's not just that. While you work out, music (mostly EDM) is blasted in the training room. Yeah, you could say that it's like a club. The only difference is that people in the club will be drinking and dancing and twerking, but we, the kurayami boxers will be exercising while enjoying the music.
One of my New Year's Resolutions was to exercise regularly. And I actually did start working out. It feels good. I'm not a work-out fan, but with some darkness and music, I thought I would be able to enjoy working out. I went to their trial session last month, and I really enjoyed it. It was far from being easy, though. I was freaking tough, but totally worth it. I got muscle pain all over my body the next day, and for about a week since then, I had had difficulties going up and down the stairs at train stations, or making even more simple everyday movements, such as sitting up or standing up.
I wanted to sign up immediately and get the membership, but I couldn't because the gym was very popular. They told me to wait for a month and that I could start from August. And the month of August has just started, and I attended a session for the first time as an official member yesterday! This time, to my surprise, I didn't get muscle pain as much as I did last time. Maybe my muscle has got stronger. I'm not sure if it's true, though. Well, in fact, I don't think that muscle can get stronger that easily. Anyways, I've made a promise to myself that I would go to the gym at least twice a week! Hopefully, I will get a body like Victoria's Secret Angles someday! lol
Besides those things, I've started saving some money, which is also listed in my New Year's Resolutions list. I know it's going to take some years, but I will keep on doing this till I have enough money to go to a grad school. To cut up the costs and save more money, I try my best to prepare my own lunch to work so that I don't have to spend money to get lunch outside. I was worried at first about whether I can continue the habit of cooking at home and bring my own lunch, because I'm a lazy person by nature. But so far so good! I actually feel bad on days when I don't bring lunch for small reasons, such as waking up late.
Oh, and I don't necessarily have to mention this, but I broke up with my boyfriend. No no, no drama. No broken plates or screaming or anything. It's just we ended the relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend. We're still friends and if we want to contact each other, we are always free to do so; we never have to hesitate. I'm not going to dig on how or why we separated, of course. But as a fact, I tell you that we just broke up and I am single now. I'm open to seeing new people, but I'm not in the mood of serious relationships as for now.
And lastly, yes, I've been reading books as I always do. Well, to be honest, this habit of mine kind of slowed down last month, but I'm pretty sure I never ended the day without reading even during that month.
One of the books I read recently is called The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck. It is a wonderful book that everyone needs to read! It was written by Mark Manson. To be honest, I had never heard of him before I picked up the book at a local bookstore, but he is a blogger and gives people life advice. If you're interested, you can click here to see his website.
I really love this book because it adopts the minimalist approach. You know, in the culture of more is better, minimalism is liberating. Mark says that people give way too many fucks, and that would basically tire us out. He tell us many times in his book that we need to be selective about what to give a fuck about. We need to give a fuck about something because otherwise, our life will be meaningless. We need to save fucks for things that really matters to us. And to do so, we need to choose the right kind of metrics measure ourselves. If your metric of happiness and success is how many followers you have and how many likes you get on Instagram, you never will be happy. Metrics that are based on external factors aren't good metrics. On the other hand, metrics that are based upon internal factors, such as being honest, are the good ones.
Also, Mark tell us that we need to know that being normal is totally fine. I dropped out from Twitter and Instagram because I felt like the world was screaming at me saying, "Look at me! Look at me! Look at how cool my life is! Look at how different I am!" I knew that what they post aren't the valid representation of their whole lives; people choose what they post on the Internet and what not to. But still, it was overwhelming, and I thought I wouldn't be able to have a healthy relationship with SNS. This book made me felt like it was telling me that I'm totally fine feeling this way. Recent culture tells us to be different and stand out. If you end up being different and standing out, that's just fine too. But you don't have to feel like your mediocre self and mediocre life is inferior to anyone's life.
And stop trying to be happy all the time, Mark teaches us. We should value suffering more. Without suffering, there is no learning. Important lessons are learned from suffering moments, not from happy moments.
I tried to lay out some essence from the book, but I'm bad at summarizing things. If you want to know what the book is about, the best way to do so is to go check out the book yourself, not reading my blog post. lol
Alright, I think I've written enough. Hope to see you in my next post. I don't know when it will come up, though. See ya!
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