Monday, January 1, 2018

My New Year's Resolutions for 2018!

Hi, everyone! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope you all have a wonderful year this year. The first half of 2017 was a bit rough sometimes because of the job hunting, but besides that, I think I enjoyed the year 2017 a lot. This year will be a special one for me because I will be graduating from collage! I will finish all my courses by the end of this month, and the graduation ceremony will take place in March 22nd. Then, I will start working in Tokyo from April. Like every person getting ready for their new lives, I'm both excited and worried. If anyone's curious, I will be working as a English trainer. Why don't I just say English teacher instead? Well, because the company I'll be working for wouldn't like the term English teacher. My students will not be kids, but adults, and I felt that they consider the relationship between the clients (people who come to our studios be better at English) and us (the trainers) to be those who come to the gym to work out and their personal trainers, not students and their teachers. I hope this makes sense to you. lol Sometimes, I'm really bad at explaining things.

Alright. Well, the purpose of this post is not to talk about my work, actually. I just wanted to briefly (Just briefly!) talk about some goals that I have set for this year. New years, new resolutions! Looking back, I think I did a really good job. I got a job, read lots of books, studied Eastern philosophy (I took a Zen class, and learned about Zen and its history!), and thought and talked about confidence and self-esteem. If I just set my resolutions for this year and secretly keep them in my mind, I would probably forget about them and thereby fail to work on them. It's better to write them down so that I can always remind myself of all the resolutions that I have set. So, just as I did last year, I am going to write my New Year's Resolutions down here on my blog.

So here we go! My New Year's Resolutions for 2018!

  1. Read a lot of books! I would probably be busier this year, but I'll try to make time to read everyday, even just for 15 minutes. 
  2. Exercise regularly! I'll sign up for a gym once I've moved to Tokyo (or its surrounding areas) and settled in. I'll try to work out at least once a week. 
  3. Study philosophy of religion (because that's what I am interested in lately). It's kind of connected to Resolution 1 because I would turn to books to study. But I've decided to write this one separately from Resolution 1 to make it stand out more. 
  4. Keep a healthy relationship with work. I tend to feel like I need to be productive all the time and feel that I'm a lazy person when I'm not. Resting is also very important. Working hard is good, but I won't let my work undermine my well-being. Work hard and rest hard! 
  5. Save some money! This year, I will be a full-time worker and be financially independent. It's always a good thing to train yourself to be better at managing your own finances. Plus, I have a dream that I want to make come true in the near future, and in order to make it really happen, I need money! 

...So that's all for today's post! I just wanted to list my goals. I usually write a lot, but not today! lol What is your goals for 2018? I would love to know! 

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